Achieve your goals

Learn the 7 step process to identify the best profitable trades and execute them around your busy life.


We explain the professional trading process in everyday language, the result: our clients get the results that others only ever promise.

Our systems and processes require minimum "screen time" meaning you can receive "full time trader" results with a minimum time commitment each trading day.

All done through efficient methods and our proprietary
"Alpha Macro" process.

Direct communication active traders

What works for traders is having direct communication with a profitable trader who they can model on. All courses provide this direct contact ranging from chat thru to live sessions via streaming platforms.

Breakout Workshops

The markets are spontaneous, and so are we. Whenever there is a market event that would be a great teaching opportunity (and profit opportunity;) We send out a link to all clients for a live "breakout session". Where you are given maximum lead time to attend and achieved in the training area for you to watch later.

The Trade Desk

Trading is a business. Hang out with those who treat it like one!
We are trading and talking about the markets each day and every day. Getting the "knack" of trading by watching over the shoulder during each trading weekly cycle gives you the secrets of trading that you don't get transferred in a static course or one off bootcamp. Also, once you start making money, its pretty boring to trade alone. the social aspect will make you a lot of money by keeping you accountable and acting in a more professional mode. 

Student success

Our methodology produces the highest success rate.
How do we know? We have also worked on the broker side of the street, and seen first hand what really does and does not work for clients, this is across thousands of accounts and most importantly, over multiple regime's of volatility and geopolitical news flow. You would be surprised how many public retail strategies simply do not make money or fail the first time they are stressed with a differing régime.

Join us for a trading week

Come join usfor a week trading, and enjoy the difference from trading hectic intraday only trading methodologies. Trade less, make more. Receive the same macro levels that we trade off professionally.
Trading the major market sessions across the UK, EU and USA most liquid sessions, but we only trade when there's a trade available. No overtrading = massive results and get a life!

What our learners say about us

Trading with the hybrid approach like the pros do has been the missing link in my profitability. I am finally making money from teh markets, after 10 years of messing around with TA!
Geoff Caarlson
The best course out there. I have never been able to have enough confidence in a trading strategy before meeting Nick. He has shown me a very profitable way to trade.
Dania Stormer
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Frequently asked questions

I am in X timezone, will your service work for me?

Dont worry, you will get full value wherever you live in the world. We are always watchign the market for opportunity and hardly ever sleep;) Our sessions cover the whole trading day from London open to New York close. All the breakout sessions are recorded so you can watch them later at your convenience.

What can you offer that I cannot get at another online schools?

Well, for a start, we really trade!  You are learning from current market practitioners and this really makes a difference. Markets change, and you need to change too. Be careful learning from someone who is teaching out of a text book about how the markets traded 10 years ago.  Also, we teach what you would learn at a hedge fund or authentic proprietary trading shop. we have looked around, and most trader training out there is complete garbage (to be completely honest).  Why do you think that retail traders lose and professional traders take profits from the market day in and day out.

What course is best for a beginner trader?

This is not so simple. The standard advice is "start trading the higher timeframes" but this does not do justice a a wide range of variables, including you, your aptitude and time available to learn. Please drop us a line on the main email and tell us a bit about yourself and your desired performance and we can offer some customised advice.

What are my chances of success if I execute your training and strategies.

We stand behind our methodology. We created this training after spending years watching the development of traders following different approaches to mastering the market. We removed all the garbage and counterproductive stuff and identified the exact trading style and strategies that allowed traders to make money consistently and in the shortest period of time. The industry average is very poor, and almost all traders fail when following all the standard retail techniques. Ill leave you with and observation we have made (and many pros have also stated).  "In 16 years of meeting traders, the success rate of those who follow technical analysis alone (ie one dimensional data) the success rate has been zero. That's right. 100% of the "only technical analysis" traders eventually und up giving everything back to the market because they don't understand the other data streams that pros use to stay in tune with the changing market."   This is a big topic, and forms the core of our teaching.  We back up all our views with data and corroboration form real pros. (hedge fund traders, not self appointed YouTube "experts". As a result, we  know that all out student that apply themselves with discipline, WILL attain a profitable trading business in a short timeframe. i.e., Months, not Years. and this has been borne out in the great results we have been getting for our clients.
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