Becoming consistently profitable is attainable?

Imagine the feeling of knowing you have a source of income and one of the worlds best businesses as a successful  full time trader.

What works

Our top priority is to help you launch your highly profitable trading business as soon as possible. Our solution is a result of years of watching and training start-up traders and helping them avoid the invisible pitfalls and in attaining the valuable trader edge.

Personal Instruction

We are on hand to give feedback, answers and all important fine-tuning to your new trading process.


We feature a series of special workshops led by our instructors and guest traders.

Peer learning

Our learners can benefit from learning with their peers, no matter their age.

Live Market Analysis

Learning requires screen time. We show you how it all works in real time, and fast-track your mastery.

Core Features

The four quad method of getting the market bias. A full playbook of edge containing strategies. Practical exercises to "stay in the zone" and stay focused like a hedge fund manager.

Video Conferencing

Q and A sessions and "break-out" sessions when market moving events hit the tape.

Our partnerships

To offer top quality training and digital certifications, we believe it’s key
to partner with the best in industry across business and education sectors.
World-class team

Meet our Trainers

Get to know us

The Team

We have a team of instructors made up of traders who have experienced trading through multiple market regimes. Our aim is to share the accurate vision of the markets and share the truth about what it takes to get and stay profitable and run a trading business like a Professional Fund or Family Office

Nick Lancaster

FX and Futures Trader.  Global Macro Analyst

Karl Reiter

Options, Equities and Global Macro

Alex Reed

FX and Equities trader. AI and Machine Learning
Don't Put it off!

Explore and start winning the trading game today.

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